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Doktorsritgerðir- HÍ

Doktorsritgerðir- HÍ

Doctoral dissertations

Recent Submissions

  • Daníelsdóttir, Hilda Björk (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2024-05-31)
    Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including abuse, neglect and growing up in dysfunctional home environments, has consistently been associated with an elevated risk of multiple negative mental health outcomes extending into adulthood. Yet, ...
  • Sim, Rebecca Jane (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2024-05)
    In recent years seaweed has gained popularity as a health food due to its high content of minerals and vitamins. However, seaweeds may also accumulate high levels of potentially toxic elements – in particular arsenic, which may become incorporated ...
  • Cerezo-Araujo, Maite (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2024-05)
    Population numbers result from the combined effect of exogenous (weather, food, predation, anthropogenic impact) and endogenous (behaviour, density) factors on the population, which often act simultaneously resulting in spatial variation in population ...
  • Guðnadóttir, Margrét (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, 2024-05-23)
    As the global population ages, the prevalence of dementia is on the rise, making it a reality for many families worldwide to care for a relative living with dementia at home. It is generally acknowledged globally that providing care for a person living ...
  • Igorevna, Ignatova Kristina (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2024-05-24)
    Vanadium sesquioxide, typified by its first-order metal-insulator transi- tion, structural phase transition, and magnetic changes, transition from a high-temperature rhombohedral metallic and paramagnetic state to a low- temperature insulating monoclinic ...
  • Antonsson, Atli (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2024-05-07)
    [Íslenska] Í þessari doktorsritgerð er reynt að svara eftirfarandi rannsóknarspurningu: Hvernig hefur nábýli Íslendinga við eldfjöll mótað sjálfsmynd þeirra og hugmyndir um þjóðerni og sögu síðustu 250 árin? Markmið verkefnisins var að finna svar við ...
  • Su, Yixi (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Eng., Mechanical Eng. and Computer Science, 2024-05-07)
    Loftlagsbreytingar af völdum gróðurhúsaáhrifa stefna sjálfbærni jarðar í hættu. Mikilvægi þess að draga úr losun kolefnis er drifkrafturinn í þróun á aðferðum við bindingu kolefnis með þörungum. Mikill áhugi er á að binda kolefni í afgasi frá iðnaði ...
  • Ásbjörnsdóttir Blöndal, Berglind Soffía (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, 2024-01-18)
    Background: Malnutrition, or the risk of being malnourished, is a common problem that affects many older adults. This condition is highly prevalent among hospitalised older adults. Because hospital stays are short and screening for nutritional risk ...
  • Bjarnason, Sveinn (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2024-05-10)
    Þessi ritgerð skoðar hlutverk ómótaðra próteina og svæða í kjarna heilkjörnunga, með áherslu á frumkvöðla umritunarþáttinn Sox2. Sox2 er þekkt fyrir hlutverk sitt í viðhaldi á fjölhæfni stofnfrumna og fyrir að hefja breytingar á tjáningu gena sem eru ...
  • Järvstad, Pontus (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2024-05-14)
    Eftir valdaránið í Grikklandi árið 1967 settist herstjórn við stjórnvölinn sem varð alræmd fyrir að beita stjórnarandstæðinga pyntingum á sjö ára valdatíma sínum. Valdaránið var harðlega gagnrýnt víða í Vestur-Evrópu og vakti upp sögulegar minningar ...
  • Falter, Magdalena (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2024-05)
    Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um stafræna nýsköpun og áskoranir fyrir endurhugsun ferðaþjónustunnar með áherslu á lífsstílsfrumkvöðla í dreifbýli. Útgangspunktur rannsóknarinnar er umræða um þróun ferðaþjónustu sem ávarpar þörf fyrir að draga úr neikvæðum ...
  • Mhango, Ellen Kalesi Gondwe (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024)
    Malaria remains a global challenge, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where many children die due to this disease. It is reported that every minute a child dies due to malaria in Africa. To slow the development of resistance in drugs used to treat ...
  • Schledorn, Jeremias (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2024)
    Political polarization is often explained by emotions. Not only are emotions widely exploited as a political strategy, e.g., by populist parties, but furthermore, points of view are often discredited as based on mere emotion as opposed to so-called ...
  • Barillé, Stéphanie (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics, 2024-04)
    Migration is an increasingly visible phenomenon and many households across the world rely on the mobility of its family members for subsistence or economic gain. While migrant families are subjected to complex changes and periods of separation, the ...
  • Árnadóttir, Guðný Anna (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2024-04-14)
    Introduction and aims: Although individually, Mendelian disorders are considered rare, collectively they make up a large group of individuals requiring diagnosis and treatment. Because of their individual rarity, many of these disorders are understudied ...
  • Þorsteinsson, Jakob Frímann (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2024-04-23)
    The study reported here is essentially in two parts. The principal part is five published papers, framed by a kappa that shows how they connect within the context of Outdoor Education. The research aims to explore different aspects of outdoor activities ...
  • Sólveigar- og Guðmundsdóttir, Linda (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics, 2024-03)
    This doctoral research examines three distinct but interconnected groups of queer migrations to Iceland, that is, individuals coming from the Global South, from Central and Eastern Europe and from the Global North. The general aim of the project is ...
  • Aradóttir, Nína (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 2024-04)
    This thesis describes the evidence of palaeo-ice streams in northeast Iceland. Ice streams within the Iceland Ice Sheet (IIS) had been previously proposed, but limited studies existed on their geomorphology. The aim of this study was to advance the ...
  • Rafnsdóttir, Salvör (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2024-04-05)
    Þekkt er að kæling frumna (32-36°C) eykur tjáningu fáeinna þekktra gena. Margt er á huldu um þá innanfrumu- og millifrumuferla sem kæling snertir við og kallaðir hafa verið kælisvarið. Kæling er notuð í læknisfræðilegum tilgangi til að fá fram ...
  • Jónsson, Kjartan (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics, 2006-06)
    ABSTRACT This thesis is a contribution to masculinity studies, and is a case study about the world of Pokot men in Kenya. In it I try to answer the questions: How do the rituals Pokot men go through from birth to death, the age-set system, and the ...

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